
Matt's Blog

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Forecasting Advanced SEO Campaigns

Forecasting Advanced SEO Campaigns

Well.. If you're familiar with the immense volume of moving parts that make up an Organic Search campaign, you'll realize that providing any sort of promise like..

“invest $30,000 and make $100,000 over the next 3 months”

It's near impossible.

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Colours, Theming and Design

Colours, Theming and Design

You want to speak directly to your perfect prospects and you need to allow your marketing materials to do that.

If you're not going to allow them to absorb what you're offering…

They're never going to buy from you.

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How To Structure Your Website For Search

How To Structure Your Website For Search

Your website's homepage should ONLY Rank for your Brand.

-> When you see your homepage listed for your Main Keywords…

Increase topic relevance on the correct internal page by adding informative, helpful content to tell the Search Engines which is the right page to show.

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