
If you're familiar with the immense amount of moving parts that make up an Organic Search campaign, you'll realize that providing any sort of promise like..

“invest $30,000 and make $100,000 over the next 3 months”

It's near impossible.

Search Engine Optimization is a long-term process, and if maintained correctly, it provides long-term results.

Unless of course you're in a super competitive niche that constantly requires heavy promotion to hold on to Page 1.

Let's break it down…


Your Product | Service

First, Consider Your Average Customer Value:

The Up-Front Profit (initial sale)  +  Your Lifetime Customer Value (repeat business)

Then you know how much a customer is worth to you, and how much can be comfortably invested to acquire a new customer and still make a profit.


Your Website.

We must look at how well your website performs too.

How many people take action right now on your website? How many of those people that take action become your customer? How many customers are you getting right now from the Search Engines (or other source of NEW traffic)?

These are people that are finding your company for the first time and becoming a customer.

Once we get an approximation of how many people will take action on your website, and how many of those people will become customers.

We can look at your existing competition in the Search Engines…


The Competition

This is a little easier to focus in on as we can estimate the difficulty of reaching page one of the search results from your existing position.

Once we've analysed your key competitors, we can start to compare them against your current website's reputation & existing rankings and draw an estimation of how long it will take to reach the first page and begin competing for the top spots.


The Obstacles

#1 – Algorithm updates

Thanks to the constant updates that the Search Engines perform (**cough, cough, Google, cough**)

The factors and variables involved in ranking a web page are constantly changing.

The goal posts are literally always being repositioned.


#2 – Seasonality

Perhaps you run a heating company and all you do is install and repair heating systems.

When the summer comes around.. you'll find work almost totally dries up without a solid lead generation method working to keep your Schedule booked.

Almost nobody is thinking about warming their homes in the summer.

They're out enjoying themselves.

People in general are reactive to problems like this.

Who wants to spend money repairing their heating systems in the summer?

Proactive people, thats who.

BE Proactive; by Systematizing your Lead Generation process so you can stay booked up throughout the year.


#3 – Competitors Becoming Stronger

For any business owner, this is one of the least fun prospects…

Directly competing with a company that provides the EXACT service you do.

When we have no competition and you're the only source of a specific product/service, life can be pretty darn peachy.

Have one or more people close-by that are looking for the same customers you are, it's not ideal.

Unless you have more/better Lead Sources!

Build out your business before existing or new competition does and you will be well served.

There is definitely such a thing as healthy competition, the kind that keeps markets driving forward. However…

When there's 3,000 prospects in your service area, and your competition is fighting more agressively than you are… the competition will eventually start taking pieces of your pie.

As a local business this can be devestating.

When an opponent has more marketing power than you do.. work smart.

Dont just copy them buying billboard & magazine ads (for example).

The internet is a wealth of knowledge and prosperity for almost all types of business now!

Firmly engrain yourself into your Niche online, so people can find you EVERYWHERE in just a few taps and clicks.

You need not invest fortunes.

Just work smart, and do what makes sense.



Forecasting is possible, yes.

In practice?

Difficult to produce meaningful data.

Once you see the potential in having top Search Engine Rankings.

You will stop at nothing to get them for your business!

Hope you found this post useful and to point. If you have a friend that might find it useful, please feel free to share it with them.


Myself and super awesome Team are here to help get your business to the top of the Search Engines and firmly engrained in the Social Networks.

Reach out using the link below with a little information about your business. Lets talk ASAP!

Your friend,

matt w

Matt Wilkinson



The Reedweel Building, DG5 4LU - UK
+44 (0) 208 123 0050

Pascual Orozco 16, 03006 - Spain
+34 604 523 998

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